Tuesday, March 13, 2012

the rules....

so I had a friend ask me today why I had one of my rules, and it was interesting to look back and see that rule and how it came about and how much it actually helped me, along with some of my other rules I have. maybe some of you think they may be unreasonable, (I'm not sure) but they really aren't. I remember when I threw a fit about this particular rule coming about.  there was a method to his madness the whole time because a lot of the rules are more of a lifestyle now, and have helped me mature into who I need to be. I'm so gladd she asked because it opened my eyes to  new level of understanding the method t his madness. like, he phone thing is 2nd nature now..and I threw a fit about that in the beginning.and oh the micorwave, I have learned how to cook a lot more without the convience of a micorwave, and trting to grow a gratitude for his nonsense rules, that made me angry at first, but the more nd more I open my eyes, I come to realize that none of these things aare harmful and they all benefit me and help me grow as a wife and as a mother. So I just thought I would take the time to thank that dear friend of mine to opening my eyes about something. Today, when he told me No, I actually did not argue, reason, justify, do it anyway or anything else, I made the ecision to give him respect by simply saying okay. it was a great feeling too, becaus I trusted him to make that decision.

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